Between intensive gaming/training and what little painting I did. I guess I better list my thoughts about the battle reports (briefly, okay I am lazy, but what can you do? Haha) before they fade from my memory, especially since Jaeroler asked for them. I am glad that they inspired you too =)
Okay, let me make my coffee first....
Krom's Great Hunt I Crusaders(HQ)Krom (Logan)
(HQ)Runepriest Hortgar
(HQ)Wolf Lord Sigvaldi, TW, WC, SS, Saga of Warrior Born
(T)4 X 5 Wolfguards, 1 Terminator Armour + CML
(F)7 Fenrisian Wolves
(H)5 Long Fangs, 4 LC
First encounter into the warp @ 7pm: Vanilla Space Marines(HQ)Captain, Relic Blade, Artificer Armour, Digital Weapons, Hellfire rounds
(T)10 Tactical Marines, Missile Launcher
(T)10 Sniper Scouts
(E)Venerable Dread on foot, Missile Launcher, Lascannon
(E)Ironclad Dread on foot
(E)6 Sternguard Veterans in TLLC Razorbacks
(H?)Techmarine with Thunderfire Cannon
(Hope I did not forget anything else)
Thoughts:1. A very nice chap who's here on summer break from US. Has a wonderfully painted army (much like black templar) and is familiar with the rules but is not used to the gameplay in general. So game was quite relaxed which was cool for a 1st game.
2. TWC charged Ven. Dread because he has not S10 instant death CCW. Lesson learnt is that dreads with S10 CCW is really cool solid rock that even CCW units would think twice about charging (which influences a new list I had, which subsequently underwent incredible revamp [a new list really] by Kenny)
3. Scouts with camo cloaks in fortified ruins (Techmarine) are annoying and extremely difficult to kill (2+ cover saves)
4. Won by KPs. Sigvaldi fulfilled saga by killing around 14 marines that day =)
Second Encounter @ 9pm: Elliot's Necrons (Flying Circus)
(HQ) Lord, Orb, Destroyer Body, Warscythe
(HQ) Lord on foot, Orb, Warscythe
(T) 11 Warriors in reserve so they don't die so fast
(T) 10 Warriors in reserve
(F) 10 Scarab Swarms
(F) 5 Destroyers
(F) 5 Destroyers
(H) 3 Heavy Destroyers
(H) 3 Heavy Destroyers
1. Another friendly list with another friendly chap. Can't help chatting with him when I was playing my first game so he challenged me lol. List wasn't competitive so I have no grounds to criticise much.
2. Against such a shooty list (large volume of fire). I reserved everything since I can always move and fire (e.g., relentless terminators and Long Fangs with Krom). My list does well even when going second it seems.
3.Made mistake of turboboosting Scarabs into midfield. My Lord charged into it and after wiping that unit bunny hopped into the Lord+Warriors that arrived from reserve on the left (moving a total of 48" into Enemy deployment zone). Saga kill tally=14
4. CML gives me a 48" range of fire, coupled with 2 TWC units kept his flying circus away (Basically cornered in his right deployment zone. Remember my lord is in his left deployment zone, my TWC units coming from Southwest and my shooty elements taking cover and shooting from my right).
5. Won 2-0 objectives. Failing a lot of WWBB rolls (necron ability) didn't help him really. Game ended with delicious chicken rice and prata lol. Ahwoooo.
Third Encounter: Tank's Ultramarines @ 1am (I want my Assault Termies too sob)
(HQ) Librarian in terminator armour
(T) 10 sniper scouts, camo cloaks
(T) 10 Tactical Marines in Rhino (reserve to come in for objective grabbing. Lol they only came in the 5th turn though, hence accomplishing nothing
(E) 5 Assault Terminators in LRR
(E) 5 Assault Terminators in LR
(E) 4 Shooting Terminators with 1 CML, Deepstriking but mishhaped and was promptly destroyed. Phew.
(F) 1 Landspeeder, MM+HF
Thoughts:T1a. 15 Terminators and 2 LR. Ouch! Spearhead deployment and I made my first mistake of deploying all the way forward. Having 48" range, I should have deployed back and waited for him to come. Dumb...
T1b. Second mistake was not shooting the scouts (3+ cover) in cover and guarding objective in Seize and Control mission. I shot everything at the LRR and got Shaken result throughout the game. Sigh. Termies remained in their LRs while LRR melted one wolfguard unit into jelly. Scouts will continue to harass Krom and his Long Fangs to no avail.
T2. Shooting termies mishapped and was destoyed, impaled by the ruins upon deepstriking. LRR tankshocked into my ruin which has my objective on the 3rd level and 1 unit of wolfguard guarding it. LRR inclined 45 degrees upwards so that the hatch was 2" from 2nd level and so assault termies disembarked on 2nd and 1st level. Apparently this could be done! Of course, this maneuver screwed me. Something wrong happened here 'cos the termies then moved an additional 6" on a DT roll (despite the transport having moved) and charged upstairs pulling my wolfguard down to the 2nd level to get mawed and smashed to mashed potato. Having fluffed all my shooting, I had to charge 2 TWC into LR to finally explode it with S10 hits (therefore not being able to charge its passengers).
T3. Assault termies then charged downstairs again to create mashed potato salad with 3rd wolfguard unit. Assault termies from exploded LR assaulted both TWC and 1 fled while the other stayed with the lost of 1 TW and 2 termies. Wolf Lord charged in and together termies became nachos for the Thunderwolf mounts.
T4 -T5. wolfguard destroyed landspeeder. Last Rhino comes in from edge, unable to grab my objective which was so far far away. Assault termies finally die to lascannon shots. Last wolfguard unit too far away to climb 3 levels to claim objective. Lost 0-1.
1. Really gonna change my TWC to make them more killy. You are in for a shock, YC and Jaeroler =)
2.Wolf Lord with Saga of Warrior is not afraid of termies. Really.
3. Mission comes first. Repeat again. Mission comes first. Not 10 terminator armours that looked like nachos. And certainly not S8 Krak missiles against AV14 LR. Frag all the way (8 small blast templates per turn) at the scouts could have at least gotten me a draw if I persisted since Turn 1.
Fourth Encounter: Tank's Ultramarines @ 10am (1000 points scouting parties)
1. Basically, 5 Las/TL Plas Razorbacks spelled melted termies as I firstly melted his Librarian in Terminator Armour, followed by a unit of TEN shooting termies.
2. Nothing much but a fast list (unfriendly on my side)
Fifth Encounter: Kenny's Tyranids @ 12noon (1750 points)
Tried my mech list this time
(HQ) Wolf Lord, TW, WC, SS, SoWarrior
(HQ) Runepriest
(T) 3 units of 5 Grey Hunters. Flamers in 3 Las/TL Plas Razorbacks
(E) 5 Scouts, MG
(E) 3 wolfguards, 3 combi-melta (1 assigned to scouts) in Rhino
(E) 3 wolfguards, 2 combimelta (melta-less guy assigned to Long Fangs)
(F) 7 Fenrisian Wolves
(F) 2 TWC, PF+SS, SS
(H) 3 units of 3 Long Fangs, 2 missile launchers. 2 Las/TL Plas Razorbacks
Nids(HQ) Tyrant (close combat, forgot what wargear)
(HQ) Tyrant (shooty, 2 Hive Guards, S9 Venom Cannon)
(T) 3 units of 8 Genestealers (1 infiltrate, 2 outflanked at my flanked. Groaned...)
(E) 2 units of 3 Zoanthropes
(H)Trygon (Prime? I forgot haha)
Mission: Killpoints
Deployment: Spearhead
T1. Close combat Tyrant deployed behind 2 units of Zoanthropes in the middle. One unit of Genestealers infiltrated in ruin near one Long Fang unit. Tygon, Shooty Tyrant and 2 Genestealer units in reserve. All 5 Razorbacks and Long Fangs shot at close combat Tyrant and dealt 3 wounds through cover saves. Every nid moved forward. Zoanthropes blasted 2 units of Long Fangs into their graves.
T2. All nids came from reserve. Trygon into my deployment zone and shot 1 Razorback in the rear, wrecking it. 2 Genestealer units outflanked (my flank) and charged my 2 Rhinos that I used to cordon and wall up the flank (so that they can only come in 12 " above my flank, protecting my TWC and Wolf Lord), doing nothing to it since I move them 1".The other genestealer unit ate up the last Long Fang unit. Scouts came in and everything that is AP2 (Las and TL Plas) and AP1 (combi-melta) shot at Trygon and it felt back to fill up the hole it created. Runepriest failed psychic check to Jaws 3 Zoanthropes. Sigh. Zoanthropes destroyed 2 more Razorbacks btw and close combat Tyrant ate up Grey Hunter squad while Runepriest refused to die. Sigh that means I cannot shoot that Tyrant. Shooty Tyrant wrecked one Rhino disembarking one wolfguard unit to their doom (recall Genestealers nearby)
T3-5. After an exciting T1 and T2, its mop-up for the nids. Killing Runepriest, close combat Tyrant and Zoanthropes wrecked last Razorback I think. All Genestealers have by now been mopped up by Wolf Lord and TWC though all Fenrisian Wolves died. Wolf Lord and TWC charged into shooty Tyrant and after a spectacular melee, only the Wolf Lord and the Tyrant survived as the game ends. With so many easy KPs to offer, I think I lost by 17-4 (Trygon and genestealers; out of 8 possible KPs).
1. My list needs amendments but I believed I still had a chance if I did things differently. Firstly, list changes include special close combat weapons for scouts (so that they can do something to shooty Tyrant unit). Chooser of the slain to prevent infiltrating units like Genestealers. A bigger unit of TWC for REAL killiness. No more fenrisian wolves for KP give away.
2. Razorbacks should have been deployed back since I have 48". I seemed to have mentioned this right? Sigh, need to learn from mistakes. Doing this will also ensure that I do not get shot in the rear by Trygon (12 S5 shots at AV10 rear = wreck).
3. Deploying army back should enable Zoanthropes to come nearer so that TWC can charge them instead of Genestealers (had nothing to charge really and the threat of 3 Genestealer units are very real). I rolled badly on 3 flamers of Grey hunters killed on average 1 despite 5-6 hits per flame templates but that also means that I need better defence. Thinking of MM+HF Dreadnoughts for Elite options now.
Sorry for the long chunk of text. I would appreciate sponsorship for a camera but till then, words will suffice lol.